Diptajyoti (Dipto) Mukherjee


Computational Astrophysicist

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First author publications: 5 (4+1 in prep), second author publications: 3 (1+2 in prep), nth author publications: 1

  1. Fast Multipole Methods for N-body Simulations of Collisional Star Systems Mukherjee, D., Zhu, Q., Trac, H., Rodriguez, C.L. ApJ 916 9
  2. Evolution of massive black hole binaries in collisionally relaxed nuclear star clusters–Impact of mass segregation Mukherjee, D., Zhu, Q., Ogiya, G., Rodriguez, C. L., & Trac, H. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(4), 4801-4817
  3. Close encounters of the interstellar kind: exploring the capture of interstellar objects in near-Earth orbit Mukherjee, D., Siraj, A., Trac, H., & Loeb, A. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525(1), 908-921
  4. Examining the Effects of Dark Matter Spikes on Eccentric Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals Using N-body Simulations(2024) Mukherjee, D., Holgado, A. Miguel, Ogiya, Go & Trac, H. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomial Society, 533(2) 2335-2355
  5. MAGICS I. The First Few Orbits Encode the Fate of Seed Massive Black Hole Pairs (2024) Chen, N., Mukherjee, D., Di Matteo, T., Ni, Y., Bird, S., & Croft, R. The Open Journal of Astrophysics
  6. MAGICS II. The crucial role of tidal stripping for seed black hole binary evolution(2024) Zhou, Y., Mukherjee, D., Chen, N., Di Matteo, T., Di Carlo, U.N., Johansson, P.H., Rantala, A., & Partmann, C. (in-prep)
  7. MAGICS III. Seeds sink swiftly: nuclear star clusters dramatically accelerate seed black hole mergers(2024) Mukherjee, D., Zhou, Y. ,Chen, N., Di Matteo, T., Di Carlo, U.N. (in-prep)